Francis Goya - Blue Moon.mp3

Contrary to popular belief, the observed federal holiday is actually called "Washington's Birthday." Neither Congress nor the President has ever stipulated that the name of the holiday observed as Washington's Birthday be changed to Presidents' Day. Additionally, Congress has never declared a national holiday binding in all states and each state decides its own legal holidays. This is why there are some calendar discrepancies.
If you think that George Washington chopped down a cherry tree and then admitted his wrongdoing by saying to his father, "O cannot tell a lie," think again. He didn't say it; he didn't even chop down the tree! Parson Mason Weems (1759-1825). one of Washington's biographers, made up the story hoping to demonstrate Washington's honestly. This tale is not the only myth about Washington. His wooden dentures? They weren't made of wood! Instead, they were made of hippopotamus teeth that had been filed down to fit Washington's mouth - holy smokes - seriously? Hippopotamus teeth!
There you have it .....

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I do not claim to own anything. I like to share
the talents of others. "Thank you."

Well - hello there, how was your weekend?
Hoping full of good thoughts, people and things!
And oh yes, food of course.

When your arms can't reach people who
are close in heart, always hug
them with prayer.

Awe! How cute!!

Oh wow, the car was even left behind!

Look at those eyelashes!

Bless you for being here,
please share my pages.
"Thank You!"

Oh my goodness, precious as can be!

Looks like a time to reflect

A very calming picture

Count me in for dessert and coffee!

I WILL catch that butterfly one of these days!!


Stay humble,
stay kind.

Life has a way of fleeting.
Make the most of each day.
Live! Tomorrow waits for no one.

I'm a very proud Navy
daughter and

For 21 years I was a 911 dispatcher.
I now volunteer for our Community
Watch program thru our
Sheriff's Office.
A note from me
Have a good Monday - please
do remember to be careful, be safe and be
aware of everything and everyone around you.
Always try and sit in restaurants facing the
door so you can be observant. Take care.

Never gonna end by
saying good-bye, just
"catch up with ya later!"

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