1-07 Someday.mp3
Some good ole "Country Music" today.
Let me know if you like or not?
Thank YOU!

October History Fun Facts and Trivia,
October is the tenth month
in the Gregorian calendar, received
its name from the Latin
numeral octo meaning "eight",
because in the original
Roman calendar it was the eighth month.
It''s weird that October
isn't the eighthmonth, isn't it?

Please feel free to use anything on my pages.
I do not claim to own anything. I like to share
the talents of others. You can find more graphics
on my graphic pages. Just use the menu to
find your way around."Thank you."

I've gotten donations for $1,
another for $25 and another
for $5 and so on. So, you see
I am thrilled always. It all
adds up just like our
bills do .... a huge thank
you always! Just
click on the link below.

Donations used to keep my website
up and running and also to pay
for my domain name(s).

An abandoned Japanese lighthouse on a rock
in the southern part of Sakhalin Island, Russia


Please always scroll down and click on
the Animal Site to help feed.

Life has a way of fleeting.
Make the most of each day.
Live! Tomorrow waits for no one.

I'm a very proud Navy
daughter and a sister.
Dad and Steve, you are
missed very much.


The face behind Susan's Daily Dose

For 21 years I was a 911 dispatcher.
I now volunteer for our Community
Watch program thru our
Sheriff's Office.

Be safe and be aware of everything and
everyone around you.Always try and sit
in restaurants facing the door so you
can be observant. Take care.
Never gonna end by
saying good-bye, just
"catch up with ya later!"
I do welcome you to sign my guestbook or
you can just view it. Thank you.

Please - won't you help?

One habit you don't want to kick! Below you can click
daily to help feed animals. Together it will count. Please
take only a minute and visit and click. Thank you!