Paul Mauriat My heart will go on.mp3

Please feel free to use anything on my pages.
I do not claim to own anything. I like to share
the talents of others. "Thank you."

Celebrate today!
Celebrate life!
Many are denied
both & much more.

Don't get in this gal's way!!

Say hello to Mr Daily, he likes being here daily

A comfort zone can be a beautiful place,
but remember!
Nothing grows there.

I would like to be like a sunflower; so even on the darkest
days, I would stand tall and find the sunlight.

OH my - you would wonder why this plane is here,
and better yet, why was it just left here to be
buried in the sand?
Bless you for being here,
please share my pages.
"Thank You!"

Oh no, we have a hurt in the mouse family.

This picture cracks me up. Just look at that expression
on the dog - and the little girl's crooked pig tails and
that outfit - too cute - overload today!

And a expression of mischief for sure!

Yum, the goodness of fresh
Summer which I miss so much!

My goodness, look at this mess! But here is a real
artist I bet. His little pony-tail cracks me up.

OOO! I want one, how cute!!

I do love strolling thru Susan's
Daily Dose. It makes me feel good.

I WILL catch that butterfly one of these days!!

For 21 years I was a 911 dispatcher.
I now volunteer for our Community
Watch program thru our
Sheriff's Office.
Stay humble,
stay kind.

A note from me
Thank you once again for joining me.
I do hope to be back tomorrow ....
NOW ....
do remember to be careful, be safe and be
aware of everything and everyone around you.
Always try and sit in restaurants facing the
door so you can be observant. Take care,

Life has a way of fleeting.
Make the most of each day.
Live! Tomorrow waits for no one.

Never gonna end by saying good-bye, just
"catch up with ya later!"
And if you should go in peace, it makes the flowers
sweeter along the path.

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you can just view it. Thank you.

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One habit you don't want to kick! Below you can click
daily to help feed animals. Together it will count. Please
take a minute and visit and click. Thank you!

Donations used to keep my website
up and running and also to pay
for my domain name(s).